Agile Education


How this Agile Marketing Education Community Started.

Two Agile Marketing Educators Join Forces in 2020

It was early 2020 when Thomas Hormaza and Michael Seaton began planning a way to actively proclaim the Benefits of Agile Marketing Education in Canada – and possibly the World.

They regularly deliver Agile Marketing Courses, Workshops and frequent Instructional Advice as Teachers and Guest Speakers.

With the lofty ambition of uniting Agile Marketing and Agile Education in Canada’s University and College curriculum they set out to develop one of Canada’s first Agile Marketing Master Class for Marketing Instructors.

Get Involved in the Agile Marketing Education Community

Agile Marketing Educators now have a place to call Home.

We invite all Teachers, Instructors and Professors in Marketing at a College or University to reach out to us in order to share Best Practices in the Profession.

We’d love to hear from you should you have an Agile Marketing or an Agile Education Experience to Share with the Community. We will be happy to Feature your Work in our Retrospective Blog Section for Educators.

Professionals in the field of Agile Marketing Training are welcome to contact us but you will be featured in our Corporate Training Section only unless you are a Guest Speaker in College or University.

Agile Education Ethics

As Educators we can have a positive Role in helping Learners realise the importance they play and will play as Marketing Professionals.

Beyond upholding and respecting the Charter of Human Rights through our Marketing Education Careers, the three statements below should be considered as a collective Commitment to Responsible Conduct as we engage in Marketing:

  • Ensure equal representation such as gender and orientation, race, religion, disability in Marketing Campaigns and Creatives
  • Ensure equal opportunity in Marketing Hiring Practices
  • Act responsibly as Guardians of Consumer Data, specifically the concept of Data Dignity through our Marketing Activities

This is by no means an exhaustive list, there are many more points we should discuss and embrace of course!

Since the Marketing Profession does not yet have a commonly accepted Code of Ethics it is imperative to Teach in a manner that further prepares Individuals to be productive and respectful members in Society.

Please write to Us to share Ethics Experiences and Best Practices!

Embracing the Agile Education Manifesto

We invite all Marketing Educators to Read the Manifesto for Teaching and Learning, it stands as a Jewel in the Agile Education Profession.

“We are uncovering better ways of teaching and learning by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:

Adaptability over prescriptive teaching methods

Collaboration over individual accomplishment

Achievement of learning outcomes over student testing and assessment

Student-driven inquiry over classroom lecturing

Demonstration and application over accumulation of information

Continuous improvement over the maintenance of current practices

While we believe there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.”

Agile Manifesto for Teaching and Learning
The Journal of Effective Teaching, Vol. 17, No.2, 2017, 90-111