Agile Education

Agile Marketing Hashtags

Using Hashtags to sort Content on Professional Social Networks: Gaining Quicker Access to Agile Marketing News & Events

Tip to organize Agile Marketing Info on LinkedIn

As a Coach and Educator of Marketing at University and College I enjoy keeping up to date with the latest information provided by practitioners, researchers and fellow educators. Beyond reading World Scholar Research and Publications on Agile Marketing I use a simple Trick.

There’s a reason my LinkedIn feed, Page Suggestions, News and Events Match my Interest.

Agile Marketing Hashtags do a part of the Work

As you can observe from the image above, hashtags are sorted on the left of your profile screen and have an incidence on Feed & Page Suggestions.

Agile Marketing LinkedIn
Agile Marketing Page Suggestions in LinkedIn

For instance under the Followed Hashtags on my Profile you will find the following:

Hashtags provide Social Platform Signals

The Screen capture below demonstrates how Hashtags are providing additional signals to my LinkedIn Feed in order to help prioritize Agile Marketing Content. These additional signals are important whether you follow the person or not. For example, one can observe UK’s Rachel Chapman featured in the Feed (I follow her of course! See her Agile Marketing Community link below).

Agile Marketing Feed Example

Stay informed on Agile Marketing Topics

Hashtags are not the only way to stay informed, here are some Suggestions:

Agile Marketing Community UK by Rachel Chapman, Pam Ashby and Nadine Rochester.

“Deep Dive into Agile Marketing” USA Podcast by John Cass


Thomas Hormaza Dow – Blogger